The Bible is outdated. It is so hard to understand. I have heard all the excuses for not reading the Bible. And yes, they are excuses. Anything worth doing is hard to do. Some believe only the Old Testament. Others only the New Testament. But God’s Book is a story that is incomplete without both parts.  

Why read this old book? Why put in the effort to understand its language? 

Romans 15:4, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.”

The Scriptures are stories of hope and encouragement. These reflections of truth are our guide for this life. It is chalk full of the dos and don’ts to help us live the abundant life. If you want to know Jesus, read His word. He is the Word incarnate. To reject any part of His Word is to reject Him.


A typical book you pick up might be read from front to back. Simple. No instructions needed. The Bible is different for obvious reasons of importance. If you have never read the Bible or struggle to read the Bible you might benefit from these tips.

  • Find a translation you can comprehend. King James is traditional, however can be overwhelming for a first-time reader. New International Version or New Living Translation version can be an easier transition. Study Bibles contain author notes and helpful information. 
  • Find a time to read that works for you.
  • Grab a notebook and dictionary. The goal is to understand what you read and apply what you read. Jot down what touches your heart or what you want to know more about. Dictionary is handy to look up any words you might not fully understand. Dictionary is accessible on your phone or computer.
  • Pray before you start. Ask God to open your understanding.
  • I recommend starting in the book of John which can be found in the New Testament or second half of the Bible. John is written for a new reader to find the most important information first. The story of Jesus. It is written as an expression of love. The reason you do not start in the beginning is that the Old Testament can be harder to understand. The Bible an be intimidating and complicated. Dig in the middle, get to know Jesus then you can read through what happened next. 
  • Ask questions. If you have someone in your life who has a good understanding of the word, ask them. If you do not ask you don’t learn.