How to Help and Not Hurt the Grieving at the Holidays

How To Help, and Not Hurt the Grieving at the Holidays.

  1. Invite but do not expect: Always include the grieving however, give them a way out. Let them know you want them to participate and you are okay if they cannot.
  2. Give them permission: Grant permission to be however they feel. Let them know if it gets too much they can leave and no one will be hurt.
  3. Share your care: Say in your words that you care, you realize they are tender and you’re here.
  4. Do not give advice: Do not tell the griever how they should feel. Do not tell them what they should do. It is not your grief, it is theirs alone.
  5. Different is okay: Everyone is unique and so is the grief. You may not feel the same or need the same things.
  6. Ask if they need to talk or share.
  7. Ask what they would like to do in your time together. Do they want to do the same traditions or try something new?
  8. Honor their beloved: Do not avoid talking about the deceased. Sharing memories or saving an empty chair is a nice way to honor the loved one.