Being a parent is hard on a good day. From the moment your child is born it is about them. Parenting is a self-less responsibility. The pressure to be perfect is always there. And that, my friends, is an impossible task. 

Take a deep breath. Realize perfection does not exist -then get your game plan together. A healthy parent is the best gift to give your child. When you take care of you and make good decisions that support your physical and emotional well being, it will only help your child.

Living out the lessons in real time and being the example makes a lasting impact. What we do speaks louder than words. If you are starting over after a death, a new lease on life, new life in Christ or a divorce, how you respond to your mistake or trial far outweighs the mistake or trail. 

Failure and loss are part of life. You are the teacher. The best teachers teach, not preach. Teach them how to navigate the rough waters of life. Do not be ashamed to share your disappointment and mistakes. Imagine for a moment what advice you would give your child if they were starting over. Then put boots to it.