How do I know if I have a calling? A calling is a strong urge toward a vocation according to the Oxford Dictionary. For a Christian it can go a bit broader than that. Are you called? How do you know?
We are all called. Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
You have a place in the kingdom of God and it’s not being a pew dweller. There is more to being a Christian than listening on Sunday. However, balance that with not everyone is a preacher, teacher or called to the pulpit. Where do you fall?
First and foremost, pray and seek God for direction. Most do not know their calling because they do not ask God. They try to figure it out based on others input or what they enjoy or are good at. I would have never made it past children’s church if that were the case. I was comfortable and people gave pats on the back for my time. Moses was a stumbling speaker, but he was called to speak.
Second surrender your gifts, talents and time to the Lord to use as He chooses. Guess what? It is not about you. It’s about God and what He created you to do. There are assessment tools to help you determine what your gifts are. Regardless, it will take surrender. What would have happened if the disciples had not surrendered? For one thing, they would not have been the chosen twelve. Surrender is a requirement for serious discipleship.
Put fear at bay. If God calls you to it, He will get you through it. Some are afraid to even pray that prayer, afraid God will ask something of them they are unwilling to do. When God called Noah to build the ark, he provided detailed instructions. The same can be said for Moses.
Want to know your calling? Know your God. The rest will fall into place.