The Signs of the Times

“So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near-at the doors!”Matthew 24:33

I hear the murmurs of the land, are you seeing what is going on? Do you think He is coming soon? My children have asked me, do you think this is the end of the world? The nervous anticipation is in the air as the world seems to be sick and hurting. Are the signs there? Yes. 

Is it the appointed time? I do not know.  Does that make me nervous? No.

My bags are packed. (My kids look at me sideways.)  Of course, I do not literally have clothes or items packed in suitcases. Yet, metaphorically I do. I am ready. 

Tell me this: 

When you were expecting, did you wait until the first labor pain to prepare your bags? 

If your spouse were to say “I will come home one day and whisk you away in the middle of the night. Be ready!” Would you be ready? Would you be too excited to sleep at night? My bags would be at the door. 

I am ready for Jesus to come any time today, tomorrow, or twenty years from now. Live every day as if He will come and whisk you away in the middle of the night. Be ready! 

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