If anything is certain, it is change. Do you like change? Most do not unless they are planning for it. This uncertain change that we are experiencing is unnerving. The year 2020 has been a year of change. We collectively sigh! With so much change it might leave you spinning.

Do you remember being a child when you would spin in circles in the yard until you were so dizzy you’d fall? It was an odd sort of fun, but as an adult, not so much. We like predictable. We like certainty. Then something causes us to spin out of control.

We need to get our grounding, but how do you do that? STOP. Stop in your tracks and consider what you do know, without a shadow of a doubt? Are you stumped? One awesome benefit of being a Christian is God has provided us a source to ground us.

We have the truth. We do not know every detail. But we know enough to match our faith. Faith is what grounds us. “For I am the Lord, I do not change.” Malachi 3:17 God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, as stated in Hebrews 13:8. He is our firm foundation. Regardless of what the world does, as much change as it can throw our way, God is the same. So hold on!!!!


Our lives changed so much this year. I am sure you are as surprised as I am to still
be amid perpetual change. Unwanted change. Do not mess with our Christmas!!!
Are you with me?
The truth is we have a profound opportunity this year to press into the very essence
of this sacred holiday. Holy Days, that command our notice, not of just our
traditions. Traditions are warm and wonderful. Joining with our family and
expressing our love over a table of joy. I am not knocking on traditions.
What I am saying is there is so much more to behold.
Compare if you will the scriptures of the birth of Christ to your holiday traditions.
It hits me right in the pit of my stomach. The raw emotion of what was THE first
day of Christ’s life. His birthday, that we honor and celebrate what we call
Christmas. I fall so short.
Focused on gifts, wrapping essentials, and food. And the questions of self-doubt
and ridicule….Can everyone come? Did I do enough? The thoughts go on and on.
The prep and observance of Christmas starts sometimes Thanksgiving Day with
shopping and lasts until the New Year. A fact that could be impressive IF it were
focused on sacred truths.
Can you imagine if we spent that same amount of time reading the Gospel
story of the coming birth of Jesus? What if we spent our money on charity or
donations? Giving to those who have nothing. What if we spent our planning time
preparing our hearts for His arrival? At the end of the Holy season can you
even comprehend the change that would be apparent in us?
Guess what? Here is your chance. The state of our world under quarantine or not,
a declared president or not, and a host of other issues has no barring on whether
you can spend your time and focus on what matters more than all else. Our
relationship with Christ compares to nothing or no one else. Do this year what can never be taken from you-BEHOLD THE LAMB.


A grateful person is one of pure joy. Joy finds a way to rise to the surface even in
the darkest of hours. In every moment of every challenge, there has always been
something to spark gratitude. Until you have lived a tragedy, you might have
never known joy.
It is the hardships in life that we can now hold up to smaller inconveniences and
realize they are just that. “The Joy of the Lord is our strength.” Psalms 28:7. This
verse has perplexed me for how can joy, a feeling of happiness provide strength?
A tour through the scriptures will help us realize it is much more.
Joy according to is a “fuller, spiritual meaning of expressing God’s
goodness.… Deep-rooted, inspired happiness.” Happiness is fleeting, here-today
and-gone-tomorrow feeling. Joy is stability in the goodness of God
James 1:2, “My brethren, count it all joy, when you fall into various trials,
knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”
How can one find joy in difficulty?
Consider this, you have just learned that you must go through a physically painful
transformation of almost a year. You will not be yourself. You will have trouble
sleeping, eating, and being unable to enjoy other comforts in life. You will certainly
gain weight during this time and your body will never be the same because this
challenge has lasting effects. It might be the hardest and most painful experience
you will ever feel. Would you feel happy? NO. What if you realized it is a
pregnancy? That is an entirely different situation. The joy of a child considering
what you will go through will be worth it.
That is the essence of joy. You will earn the joy for it is deep-rooted in hardship.
The pain will have a purpose. Seek joy always!

GRATITUDE: The Heart of Success

Gratitude is the source of a happy, content, and promising life. For it is much
more than optimism. Being grateful is the essence of our relationship to God.
What did God require of Israelites? To remember. Remember how He brought
them out of their slavery in Egypt and to not forget bringing them victoriously
across the Red Sea and consuming their enemies that sought after them. How can
one deny the provision of God as water poured from a rock and manna was given
daily from heaven?
Yet, the Israelites did nothing but complain. God was frustrated by their constant
displeasure. Because they chose to be stubborn in their ways, the promise land
was never theirs to hold. Yet the Israelites were His chosen people, and being
grateful for God’s provision is the example we as Christians are to follow.
Gratitude is so much more than words of thanks. It is a heart attitude of
appreciation and love. Consider your children, if you have any, if they were only
to ask for more. You work long and hard. You give to them more than you enjoy
yourself. Your actions are out of love and you only want love in return in form of a
notice of your sacrifice. What a joy it is when they say ‘thank you’ or give a quick
hug when you’ve provided something they weren’t expecting. Starting to get the
picture? God is the perfect parent in loving and giving.
All good things come from the Lord. He is our provision. He is our guide. He is our
future. Each day, we have so much to give thanks over. On my hardest days, I can
muster up a word of thanksgiving. For God is good everyday and all the time. I
would not get through the darkness without God by my side, leading and lighting
my path.
How are you cultivating gratitude in your life?


What is your battle today? Most of the world is overwhelmed by the political standstill, continuation of COVID-19, and the struggles to make ends meet. Never has our generation faced such uncertainty from so much, for so long. How much more can we take?

In such perilous times, one would like to keep his or her finger on the pulse of things to know what is going on. Yet, when our eyes are on the storm, all we can see is the storm. The coverage of sadness, peril and arguments will lead to only one thing – fear. To gain perspective, one must take a step

What is the battle? What is the war? Is this our battle or one that God alone shall fight and win? If you fight a battle that is not yours to fight, you will wear out and become exhausted.

Sadly, for no cause.

Winning the war, might be having faith. Faith that carries on despite the struggle. Faith looks to God for answers in uncertainty.  What promises has He made that you might cling to?

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10


“As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”

 Proverbs 27:17

Friendship is a God-given gift. Do we put too much pressure on our friends to “be there” for us? The problem is we do not extend grace. We want our friends to know our intentions, yet we judge them on their actions. Guilty as charged. Friendship goes both ways, right? This is true. Imagine if we focused on being a friend more than if our friends are making the cut. We have some great lessons in Scripture. 

Jonathan and David: (Read in completion in 1 Samuel 18) I Samuel 18:3, “Then Jonathan and David made a covenant because he loved him as his own soul.” That is a deep connection between two friends and one I have felt with some of mine. When you love to that level, you think it is a forever thing. David and Jonathan had to go separate ways because Saul was out to kill David. Saul was Jonathan’s father. 

Talk about messy… Next week on Jerry Springer, just joking of course, but the recipe calls for disaster. This had to be hard for Jonathan. Both men accepted and went their separate ways. Truth is, sometimes friendship is for a season or for a reason. I have had some that have broken me, but I knew I had to move on with God. It is important that our friendships do not jeopardize what God is leading us to do.

Job and His Friends: (Read the complete story in the book of Job) Job had just encountered a crisis like no other. His whole world was crashing down on him. His children died in a horrible accident. His crops and livestock were gone. This man was broken. In Job 2:11-13, “Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, each one came from his own place-Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Schugite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they had an appointment together to come and mourn with him, and to comfort him. And when they raised their eyes from afar and did not recognize him, they lifted their voices and wept; and each one tore his robe and sprinkled dust on his head toward heaven. So they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great.” All I can say is wow, do you have friends like that? I do not know of anyone who would take on my grief and sit in quiet with me for 7 days and nights. I think Job’s friends get a bad rap. After the seven days, these compassionate men try to wrap their heads around the disaster. They hope to share the wisdom that will help. A pep talk, pick yourself up, and get on with it kinda thing. 

There are things that happen in this world we cannot comprehend. To try will lead to frustration. What they did, in the beginning, was awesome. They messed up when they attempted to fix it. It was unfixable. A crisis can change a friendship. God may not give them the grace He gives you to get through it. Man, it hurts to feel that separation at such a raw time. It’s okay to pull from the good and leave when you need to. It doesn’t have to define you or the friendship.

JESUS AND THE TWELVE (Matthew 26 for complete story) Matthew 26:36-38, “Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to the disciples, “Sit here while I go and pray over there.” And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with me.” 

Jesus chose to do life with people. He enjoyed the companionship. He had His twelve, the big group you hang out with an invite to parties. When things got serious He pulled His best buds to come with Him. Things are getting serious, they read it on His face and all night He had been acting weird and speaking in mystery. Jesus asked only that they stay and pray for Him. For all that He had done for them, it’s like the least they could do, right? Jesus is in great distress and returns to find his besties asleep. 

The point is, our friends will let us down. They do not always understand the severity of our needs. Humanity will get the best of them. It is hard. It hurts, but it happens. Do not expect your friends to fulfill those deep needs and know they will let you down sometimes. It doesn’t mean they don’t care. Maybe it means we need to rely on the Lord instead of our friends.


“Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

The definition of confidence according to Oxford Dictionary is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. Were you surprised the definition wasn’t pointed to self? Where do you put your trust? When you set out to do something are you praying for strength or examining if you are up to the task?

The definition of humble (Oxford Dictionary) is having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance. Can you see how these two opposites can fit together so nicely? “Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Your confidence is drawn from His promises. You do not have to rely on yesterday’s faith, because He is continually perfecting our faith. Trust that He will be there today. He will go before you and prepare the way if your trust rests in Him, not you.


“No one would be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this.”

1 Thessalonians 3:3

Another trial to overcome. Another fire to walk through. It is not what you planned. Definitely not what you wanted, yet, here you are. 

“It is what it is,” said with a heavy sigh. Walking the tightrope of faith knowing the promises of God and knowing the truth. The truth is we are not above our master, Luke 6:40 KJV. What does that Scripture mean in real-time?

Do you remember the child’s game Follow the Leader? One person and only one could lead. You got in line and you mimic all the moves the leader would do. Naturally, it would start simple then the leader would try and trick you. They would go fast over and under objects just trying to lose you. 

Life’s follow-the-leader is no game. Our leader lived a life of challenges. He was ridiculed, beaten, and hung on a tree. When you take on His forgiveness and are bathed in His blood, you receive all the rights of a daughter of a king. You take His name. Woo Hoo! 

In the same transaction, you take on a battle of flesh and sin. The devil will trick you and try to get you to fall off track. Your flesh will want to give up. It wants its way, and it seems right to you. However, The Leader, Jesus takes you to the cross, over and under many trials. You will pass through deep waters and not drown. You will go through the fire and not get burned. Life is not easy for the Christian, it is worth it. Heavy sigh, “It is what it is.”


“That’s the problem with opinions, everyone has one and everyone else’s is wrong.”

 Author Unknown

I am a recovering people pleaser. I am so grateful the Lord rescued me from drowning in the opinions of others. If you seek to please people you are playing a game you will never win. It is like a cat chasing its tail. Opinions are like the wind, they can be easily swayed. 

You want to do the right thing, I get it. The right thing is the God thing. “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. 

“Ye cannot serve God and mammon” Matthew 6:24. This verse is talking about money, yet is applicable here. You can choose to be a people pleaser or a God pleaser, but you cannot be both. 

Ouch! Right? 

Girl, I have been there and it is a hard pill to swallow. However, this truth changed my life and my walk with Jesus. I have one master. I chose to please the audience of One. I am free from the torture of trying to please everyone and hurt when I cannot. Liberate yourself and choose 



He must increase, but I must decrease” John 3:30

Easier said than done. Have you ever had to bite your tongue at a moment where you were eligible for the credit but you knew it was pride? I scream-guilty! It is hard to keep a balance of confidence, boldness, and humility. How do we walk that line? 

Your motive will determine your next step. If you desire credit for the sake of acknowledgment, your motive is pride. Pride is a sin. Proverbs 11:2, “When pride comes, then comes shame; but with the humble is wisdom.” 

I know, I know, sometimes you just want the credit due. 

When we are humble, we trust God will promote us at the right time. “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up” James 4:10.