1 Peter 5:10, “And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”
This was written for the woman who feels like she has been in this place of suffering for far too long and may remain here forever. Girl, I get it! I have been in that very place. It is hard to be encouraged by anything. This verse was written for you.
God is a God of grace. You may wonder why He does not stop your suffering right now. I do not have that answer. What I do know is your pain is not in vain. You will not remain in this place if you put your trust in Jesus. I also know there is a reason. God is very purposeful in everything He does. He does not inflict the pain but will allow it for a while to create in us a refined version of who we were created to be.
This verse gives hope that it will not be forever. In a moment, God will say, that is enough. I love this part; He will restore you Himself. The God of the universe who loves you like no other, will snatch you from that pit and hold you close, restoring your soul. He will make the broken places fuse but leave the cracks. This is not because He lacks completion but instead knows your beauty will shine through your scars. Remember His do too.