Do you ask yourself, “Is this it?”

 Our life reflects our hopes and dreams mixed with a huge dose of reality. Does your life reflect your hopes and dreams? If not, it should. As young teens our hearts are full of hopes and dreams. It might not be realistic, but it can be beautiful.

Along the way, bills, sickness, and death intrude. Soon we lose the part of ourselves that dreams. Do not give up all hope of having a life you want. It is never too late to rewrite the second half of the book. 

Here are some tips for turning your reality into your dreams.

  • Get to know yourself. What are the dreams that still deep-down burn within you? Ask yourself what would you do if you knew you would not fail?
  • Your goals should reflect your dreams. Live to make yourself proud.
  • What is your bucket list? What will you regret not doing?
  • Spend time with Jesus. Seek His will for your life. You will be your most fulfilled by being right smack dab in His will.
  • Put feet to the ground and make it happen. If you are scared, then you are on the right track. Your dreams should scare you…if they don’t, your dreams aren’t big enough.
  • Do not be afraid to fail. Mistakes are part of the journey.