Do you ever feel like you just cannot measure up? If you focus on the perfection of God, you can feel like you’re never good enough. Does God expect perfection from you?
He is a good, good father. As a father, He loves first and always. God looks at you through the eyes of a loving, caring and involved father. He leads by example. He accepts your imperfections and gives grace for the learning curve.
God provides clear boundaries and consistent discipline. You can rely on His standards to lead. And a soft place to fall when you fail. What does God expect of you?
God expects you to be honest. Love is most important. If you love God, you will make time for Him. If you love Him, you will respect. If you love Him, you will obey. Obedience is better than sacrifice in God’s eyes.
God does not expect perfection. Yet, He expects you to show up and share the love He has for you.