“No one would be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this.”

1 Thessalonians 3:3

Another trial to overcome. Another fire to walk through. It is not what you planned. Definitely not what you wanted, yet, here you are. 

“It is what it is,” said with a heavy sigh. Walking the tightrope of faith knowing the promises of God and knowing the truth. The truth is we are not above our master, Luke 6:40 KJV. What does that Scripture mean in real-time?

Do you remember the child’s game Follow the Leader? One person and only one could lead. You got in line and you mimic all the moves the leader would do. Naturally, it would start simple then the leader would try and trick you. They would go fast over and under objects just trying to lose you. 

Life’s follow-the-leader is no game. Our leader lived a life of challenges. He was ridiculed, beaten, and hung on a tree. When you take on His forgiveness and are bathed in His blood, you receive all the rights of a daughter of a king. You take His name. Woo Hoo! 

In the same transaction, you take on a battle of flesh and sin. The devil will trick you and try to get you to fall off track. Your flesh will want to give up. It wants its way, and it seems right to you. However, The Leader, Jesus takes you to the cross, over and under many trials. You will pass through deep waters and not drown. You will go through the fire and not get burned. Life is not easy for the Christian, it is worth it. Heavy sigh, “It is what it is.”