“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12.

Have you been there? Have you ever wanted something so bad that every day without it felt like forever? I can remember when I was trying for a baby. I had bad baby fever. I knew it would take time. I knew it would come in God’s time. I also knew that for some they cannot get pregnant on their own so that thought loomed in the back of my mind as well. Each month, I would look for signs, get myself so skyed up and when my body did not produce results I sank in despair. I surprised myself how upset I could get after a brief encounter of hope. 

I have shared this experience with promises of God. I did have faith. I put my whole being into the hope God’s promise gave. If anything popped up that made me think it would not happen then defeat overwhelmed me. It was exhausting. In time I learned that when God promises, He says it as it will happen today. To God time is irrelevant. 

Abraham was so caught up in this cycle that after being told he would be a father at the ripe age of 86, he fell for a scheme his wife conjured up. God does not need our help. God will never forget His promise. It will happen. If tempted to make it happen on your own you might experience a mess like Abraham.

I learned to tuck these promises in my heart. I believe it will happen, but I let God be the one who works on it not me. I stay out of His way. I will live my life. I will wait for Him to bring the promise. Things are sweeter that way. I am no longer running myself ragged in the cycle of chasing defeat. I trust God.


The shifts are long with small breaks in between. The workday consists of being behind all day trying to get a head. The problems never rest. The needs never fully resolved. When you leave can you leave it all behind? 

Many days I left work with a flood of things I wanted to do and never found time for. I realize that it is impossible to do my job perfectly. Yet, I wanted more. Did I do anything well today? Or did I quickly put out fires never getting to what I hoped I could accomplish. The meaningful things. The type of rare moments that remind of your why. Why you do what you do. 

How long can I keep this going? I hear ya. I have been there. Healthcare is a crazy beast the rewards are there but far and few between. Sometimes you think maybe I need to just get a similar occupation. 

It is so important that you find a way to keep in perspective the difference you make. Your job is crucial. You are the right person for the job. A hard job. 

  • Find small ways to get a clear head. Carry a small note pad in your pocket. Jot down good moments. Patient appreciation. 
  • Jot down positive affirmations or scripture to read in tough times.
  • Separate yourself from work environment during breaks. Step outside. Sit in car. Go for a walk.
  • Find a support system at work you can share rough times with. Someone who gets it.
  • Keep your day off as a day off. Spend time for yourself and your family