Recently, I encountered a life change that was hard. Change is hard, isn’t it ladies? I knew it was coming. I had been praying into it for a few years. God was faithful and in an instant what was, was no more. I found myself looking back. I was sad. Grieving a life change is not only good, but healthy. The problem was I was looking back longing. 

When I prayed about it through teary eyes, God said “grieve if you must, but it’s time to pick a side, you can’t straddle the fence.” I knew what He meant. I had prayed for two years. He answered my prayer and I was bordering ungratefulness.

I remembered Lot’s wife. You can read the story in Genesis 19:16-26. Angels were sent to rescue Lot and his family from Sodom. The sin was out of control and God destroyed the city. The Lord sent angels to bring Lot’s family out as the one and only family of believers.  In a mad dash, the family fled. As they did, a fire stormed down on the town. The Lord’s instruction upon exiting was don’t look back. She did. You might think well, it’s storming fire, who wouldn’t look. That is not what happened here. Her look back was one of sadness and longing of what she lost in obedience to God. 

As I write this I feel the sting of the truth. Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. Not only do I not want to be a salt shaker, but I also don’t want to hurt God. God is so good. He is faithful. He asks only that I am grateful. 

Lord, forgive this silly woman for her grieving what was not in your plan. I want you and I want what you want.