Trauma happens. Trauma is a “deeply distressing or disturbing experience”, according to Oxford Dictionary. What makes an experience traumatic is dependent on how the individual views the event. Examples of trauma are abandonment, abuse, neglect, accidents, death to name a few.
Below is a list of symptoms of trauma (list is not exhaustive):
- Difficulty sleeping
- Flashbacks
- Anxiety
- Overeating/eating disorders
- Substance abuse
- Poor decision making
- Relationship issues
- Poor job attendance
If you have unresolved issues from your past that are affecting you today, you may need to work through your trauma. Acknowledging the symptoms are related is a great start. It is not an excuse for bad behavior but is a reason for distorted mind sets that can cause negative results.
If you find yourself in these scenarios you might benefit from counseling.
Counseling can identify the cause or root of the issue. Symptoms may resolve within a few sessions or many depending on the severity.
A good counseling relationship will be one that you feel some relief after sessions. You will need to be honest and willing to try new things. The counselor should be someone you trust who has experience in trauma.
Sessions can be a mixture of talk therapy, activities, and suggestions for changing the mindset and healing. The goal in counseling is healing.
If you are interested in counseling Tara Powell Ministries offers reduced rate counseling or can refer you to someone.
Change your tomorrow today by contacting us at www.tarapowellministries.com.