“That’s the problem with opinions, everyone has one and everyone else’s is wrong.”

 Author Unknown

I am a recovering people pleaser. I am so grateful the Lord rescued me from drowning in the opinions of others. If you seek to please people you are playing a game you will never win. It is like a cat chasing its tail. Opinions are like the wind, they can be easily swayed. 

You want to do the right thing, I get it. The right thing is the God thing. “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. 

“Ye cannot serve God and mammon” Matthew 6:24. This verse is talking about money, yet is applicable here. You can choose to be a people pleaser or a God pleaser, but you cannot be both. 

Ouch! Right? 

Girl, I have been there and it is a hard pill to swallow. However, this truth changed my life and my walk with Jesus. I have one master. I chose to please the audience of One. I am free from the torture of trying to please everyone and hurt when I cannot. Liberate yourself and choose 
