• Understand God comes first, family second, and friendship comes somewhere after that. Help your friend to uphold these honors. Understand when she cannot talk because her kids need her. Be willing to give grace when she needs time with God over time with you. Encourage her spouse to be her confidant. 
  • Share the spotlight. Get over yourself, yes, I am talking to you. Embrace other friends and encourage her to do the same. You do not need the coveted spot to be special. Let your relationship be what it is. Appreciate it. 
  • Want the best for her. Be the cheerleader. Lift her up in her strengths and cover her faults. Support her dreams and ambitions. Celebrate her victories. 
  • Let her be herself and give her your true self. I love the people I can sink into a chair, throw off my shoes, and sit cross-legged eating cookies with. These are my girls that if they show up unexpectedly, it is okay if you are a mess. You know they love you. You share your flaws and all. Be that friend. 
  • Ask for what you need. Don’t expect her to know. If your life is falling apart, ask if she can set aside time for you. Ask her what she needs. Am I being a good friend to you? How can I be more supportive?
  • Treat her the same regardless of the audience. Y’all girls can be mean. Don’t be a part of conversations that are targeted to bash your pal. 
  • Pray for her. Ask her how can I pray for you? Then do it. 
  • Be a person of your word. If you say you are going to do something follow through. 
  • Grace. Give it. Be it. Live it.