Our lives changed so much this year. I am sure you are as surprised as I am to still
be amid perpetual change. Unwanted change. Do not mess with our Christmas!!!
Are you with me?
The truth is we have a profound opportunity this year to press into the very essence
of this sacred holiday. Holy Days, that command our notice, not of just our
traditions. Traditions are warm and wonderful. Joining with our family and
expressing our love over a table of joy. I am not knocking on traditions.
What I am saying is there is so much more to behold.
Compare if you will the scriptures of the birth of Christ to your holiday traditions.
It hits me right in the pit of my stomach. The raw emotion of what was THE first
day of Christ’s life. His birthday, that we honor and celebrate what we call
Christmas. I fall so short.
Focused on gifts, wrapping essentials, and food. And the questions of self-doubt
and ridicule….Can everyone come? Did I do enough? The thoughts go on and on.
The prep and observance of Christmas starts sometimes Thanksgiving Day with
shopping and lasts until the New Year. A fact that could be impressive IF it were
focused on sacred truths.
Can you imagine if we spent that same amount of time reading the Gospel
story of the coming birth of Jesus? What if we spent our money on charity or
donations? Giving to those who have nothing. What if we spent our planning time
preparing our hearts for His arrival? At the end of the Holy season can you
even comprehend the change that would be apparent in us?
Guess what? Here is your chance. The state of our world under quarantine or not,
a declared president or not, and a host of other issues has no barring on whether
you can spend your time and focus on what matters more than all else. Our
relationship with Christ compares to nothing or no one else. Do this year what can never be taken from you-BEHOLD THE LAMB.