Day by Day – A Journey Through Grief, is a productive 22-page workbook that will help a person begin and take healthy steps through the journey of grief. Some say grief is a process, but we like the word journey as no two journeys look alike. Here’s an excerpt
When you seek directions, you need to have a starting point. You cannot navigate out of somewhere unless you at least know where to start. Your starting point is now. One might think that the beginning of grief is at the moment of hearing about the death. Sometimes when there is an illness, people can start grieving at the place of diagnosis. For the purpose of our journey, let’s start right here. We want to identify how you feel today? You might surprise yourself when you give it thought. Do not be afraid to label your feelings. Feelings are natural, honest and important. We do not have to act on our feelings if they are negative. Yet, ignoring them is not the best way of handling negative emotions. You may find out by being honest, allowing pure feelings and working through them will take care of them. That is what healing looks like.Â
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