You enter a room you have never been in before. You see a chair. You pull out the chair and sit. You had full confidence that chair would do what it was designed to do, hold you. Considering you had never been there before and never sat in that chair before, you trusted without any experience with that chair or space. The chance the chair will break is slim but possible.
If you are like me, I struggle at times to put that confidence in God. It pains me to admit. The probability God will let me down is zero. Yet, I question, I want to safeguard my attempts and struggle to sit and be still. This reality makes me feel foolish.
Jeremiah 17:7, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.”
We will be blessed when we can trust God like we trust the chair. We just know it will be okay. We are safe and He will hold us.