What is hope and why is it important? What is the difference in hope and faith?“Faith is confidence or trust in something, or someone not based on proof (believing in things unseen). Hope is an optimistic attitude based on expectations or desire. Biblically speaking, Faith says whatever you are hoping for is here now. Hope says there is a chance of it happening sometime in the future.”
www. therebelchristian.com
Can you have hope without faith? Personally, I cannot separate the two. However, working as a Hospice Chaplain I was surprised to find terminally ill individuals who had hope and not faith connected to a religion. Their hope came from an optimistic attitude.
When my son, Jacob died, I had faith the Scriptures were the truth and that Jacob was in heaven. Eventually, I had hope that I could survive the loss. Hope in my case was based on faith that God would come through for me. Hope lifts the spirits, keeps your eyes on the prize and can carry you through your next obstacle. In my situation, hope felt like the dark clouds parting and the sun sneaking in. One day I would be better, and that enabled me to pick myself up off the floor. Paul and Silas when imprisoned were grounded in faith. Nothing could separate them from the love of God, Romans 12:14. Hope allowed them to sing, while in chains. They sang like the caged bird with freedom on its lips.
Hope is the life preserver that can keep you above the water. Faith is the anchor that keeps you from being afloat. Can you see how they go hand and hand? Can you have hope without faith. Yes, but what is the hope grounded in?
Is your faith tied to Jesus, the one who brings real hope to so many? Always have an answer for the hope you have. Mine is Jesus.
If you have questions about your hope, please feel free to email tara@tarapowellministries.com.