Matthew 22:39, “And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The great paradox of this passage is we must first love ourselves to love others. How do you love yourself and not be prideful? Is it a fine line? I do not think so. When you share with someone you love that they have value, you tell them how much you love them. Your hope is that your love for them will be enough to help them love themselves. Love at its best is God’s love for us. He loves us first. We use that as our foundation. 

What is commonly used as the greatest expression of love? “I would die for you.” Jesus did that. You cannot be loved more. Remember that when you consider if you are enough. He already said you were.

Get to know yourself. What do you like? Be kind to yourself. Be your best friend. Give space for what you love and what helps you be your best. Exercise to feel good. Do your hobbies. Take the trip. Eat the cookie. 

Give your emotions importance. Be in tune with what you feel. Allow those feelings, give them a name. Take time to work through your pain and heal. 

Spend time with those who love and support who you are –  Jesus being your main man. Talk to Him. Read the Bible, His love letter to you. Let Him take care of you.

Get rest. There is always a “to do” list. Value yourself enough to rest. Not only is it important to your overall health. God put it in His top ten, the commandments.

Loving yourself is taking care of yourself. Pride is putting yourself first and giving yourself all the credit.