Prayer is a privilege we have and a promise that God is listening. We pray because we have a relationship with God or desire one. It would be impossible to have a relationship with anyone without some sort of communication. Prayer is our direct line to One who loves us most. Below is a list of myths that prohibit our feelings towards prayer.
- If you do not say in “Jesus Name” it will not count. Psalms 145:19
God does not play games with us. If you call out, He is faithful to listen.
- Only devout Christians have a direct line to God.
Even the person who is saying His name for the first time will be heard and loved. Luke 15:4
- It is wrong to ask for prayer for myself. Mark 14:32
You are withholding the greatest gift you have. Pray for yourself often. Express all your needs. God wants to hear from you. Jesus prayed for himself.It is disrespectful to fall asleep while praying. You may fall asleep because you feel safe.