GRATITUDE: The Heart of Success

Gratitude is the source of a happy, content, and promising life. For it is much
more than optimism. Being grateful is the essence of our relationship to God.
What did God require of Israelites? To remember. Remember how He brought
them out of their slavery in Egypt and to not forget bringing them victoriously
across the Red Sea and consuming their enemies that sought after them. How can
one deny the provision of God as water poured from a rock and manna was given
daily from heaven?
Yet, the Israelites did nothing but complain. God was frustrated by their constant
displeasure. Because they chose to be stubborn in their ways, the promise land
was never theirs to hold. Yet the Israelites were His chosen people, and being
grateful for God’s provision is the example we as Christians are to follow.
Gratitude is so much more than words of thanks. It is a heart attitude of
appreciation and love. Consider your children, if you have any, if they were only
to ask for more. You work long and hard. You give to them more than you enjoy
yourself. Your actions are out of love and you only want love in return in form of a
notice of your sacrifice. What a joy it is when they say ‘thank you’ or give a quick
hug when you’ve provided something they weren’t expecting. Starting to get the
picture? God is the perfect parent in loving and giving.
All good things come from the Lord. He is our provision. He is our guide. He is our
future. Each day, we have so much to give thanks over. On my hardest days, I can
muster up a word of thanksgiving. For God is good everyday and all the time. I
would not get through the darkness without God by my side, leading and lighting
my path.
How are you cultivating gratitude in your life?