“A wife of noble character, who can find? She is far more precious than rubies.” Proverbs 31:10                            


Proverbs 31:11, “The heart of her husband trusts in her, and lacks nothing of value.”

Honesty builds trust. When your husband asks what is wrong, tell him. Do not play mind games. Love does not mean reading your mind. Be honest in all your endeavors. Be honest if you are in a bad mood, it’s not a crime. My man appreciates that I will give him insight without hours of a game that ends in a fight over nothing. Last night, I said, “I am in a bad mood and it has nothing to do with you.” This allows him to quit guessing or feeling he has done something wrong. He will give me grace for the day. Be honest with your spending. It’s a partnership.


            Proverbs 31:12, “She brings him good and not harm all the days of her life.”

Let your conversations about your husband bring him blessings. Speak highly of the man you love. Share his bests and cover his flaws. If this is difficult, ask the Lord to show you his heart and allow you to see him as the Lord does. You might be amazed at how this can transform a challenging season of your marriage. 

       3.  BE GRATEFUL

Proverbs 31:18, “She sees that her gain is good, and her lamp is not extinguished at    night.”  Count your blessings. Tell your man how much you appreciate his hard work. Share the good you see in him. Men feel responsible for our contentment. You are not going to have everything you want in life. Someone will always have more. Keep your eyes on your own paper. Do not fall for the trap that television and social media offer you. Be a grateful wife and watch his spirit lift.


Proverbs 31:26, She opens her mouth with wisdom and faithful instruction on her 

tongue.” My spouse and I have fair rules for fighting. No one walks out. No one threatens to leave. No one calls names. It allows disagreements without getting out of control. There are boundaries and safety in our heated discussions. Once the words are out, you cannot retrieve them. When you are angry express your feelings and frustrations without accusations and name-calling. Do you want to be right or have a relationship? 

        5. BE GRACEFUL

Proverbs 31:30, Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”  Don’t bite the apple, Eve! It is easy to buy what society is selling…”Be sexy and your man will be happy.” 

There is nothing wrong with married sex to clarify. However, you are more than that. You have redeeming qualities that make you shine. You are not dependent on your size, your athleticism or clothing. What you have on the inside is worth sticking around for. Please, friend, see your worth and value. You do not need to be the sexy vixen, you are a woman of faith and grace. That my friend, is more valuable than rubies.