Q: How can we reach young people today who are growing disinterested in religion?

A: Another great question.  Each generation poses its own challenges. I would agree that ever before there is a disinterest in traditional religion. However, it is never hopeless. God is never outdated. I would like to share with you a few things to keep in mind as you attempt to relate to today’s young people. 

  1. All humans no matter what their age or background seek basic needs.  If you can tap into those needs as points of conversation you may capture their attention. These needs are purpose, belonging, acceptance and love.
  • Purpose: Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is the purpose of life? These great questions have answers. Rick Warren’s book, “Purpose Driven Life” tackles this topic.  Genesis provides the answers to why we are here-we were made in the image of God(God created man in his own image Gen 1:27). What is the purpose of life-God wanted a relationship with his creation(John 1:5, Rom 8:28).  Our purpose is to fulfill our calling(Jer 29:11, Jer 1:5, Ps 139:13). 
  • Belonging: We all seek to belong to something. We seek relationships to belong(Duet 7:9, 1 John 4:9-11, Gen 2:18). We belong in the family of God. We belong with our creator. We belong in our families because God brought us into this world at this time with these people. 
  • Acceptance: God loves us when we were yet sinners(Rom. 5:8). God accepts us just like we are(1 John 4:19). To accept a person is not to agree with their lifestyle but to get past the difference of opinion and see the person(Prov. 17:17).  
  • Love: We need love to survive. Babies who do not connect to another human will not survive.  Love covers a multitude of sins. They(Unbelievers) will know us(Believers) by our love(1 John 4:7-8,)

2. It is normal for young people to find their own way. They need to ask questions and figure it out for themselves.  It is important to be patient with this process. God doesn’t need our help. We need not defend the Gospel. If you live the Gospel people will be attracted to you and want to know more. Our best efforts are spent working on self and loving others. Love speaks louder than any amount of knowledge. Pray that for them. Pray the truth will be given to them. Pray for their experiences to draw them closer to the Lord. 

3. Religion is never appealing. Let’s just be honest. Religion is rules and standards.  That is what makes Christianity different, it is categorized as a religion but its a relationship with Christ that is fulfilling. In fact, religion turns people off. Some believe it is something that is a crutch.  That is because they have never experienced Christ.  Only God can bring truth and conviction. 

4. Technology is a barrier and a blessing. With advancements in technology, people are connecting with devices not in person.  It is not as common to hang out at each others homes. Therefore they have church at their fingertips. They can talk to whomever they chose in seconds. Facetime makes it possible to even see their face. It is a barrier. However, the beauty is they have church available 24/7. People can reach out for help in seconds. God can use it for His glory. it is not uncommon for someone to be scrolling through their phone and hear or see something that makes them stop and listen to a teaching video or prayer. My ministry is purposeful to use technology to bring connections and build relationships.  Wednesday in the Word is a short bible study that covers one chapter each week of the Bible. I allow people to submit questions and comments. We can have Bible study before work right at our kitchen tables. On Thursdays, I do live prayer. I receive prayer requests and personally lift them up so they can hear and left others up. We are able to connect in spirit and agree in prayer-POWERFUL!!! God is never limited by technology. God is never out of date. 

I hope that is an encouragement to you. Show your belief in God. Live out the Gospel and Love beyond measure!!!!!